The Material Girls Quilt Guild is an association dedicated to the art and craft of quiltmaking for quilters of all ability levels. The Material Girls Quilt Guild began in 1995 with 40 quilting sisters. We currently have 100+ members, meeting at 6:30 pm the third Thursday of the month, September through June, at the Holy Family of the Nazareth Church, 750 Union Street, Leominster, MA.
In order to ensure that we do not exceed the fire code maximum capacity of our meeting space, we have to limit the membership. Our membership is currently at maximum capacity and we have a wait list. If you are currently on the wait list, you will receive a call as space becomes available. If you are interested in being added to the Guild wait list or would like additional information about the Guild, please fill out the Membership Request form. Guests are welcome to attend one meeting per year, which is free unless there is a guest speaker, in which case a $5.00 fee will be charged.
Guild members may participate in a variety of activities including:
Fabric & Block Swaps | Bi-annual Quilt Show | Workshops |
Challenges | Bi-annual Auction | Guest Speakers |
Comfort Quilt Projects | Banquets |
Show and Tell |
Fabric & Magazine Swap | Retreats | Open Sews |